ben mavi gözlüyüm

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ben mavi gözlüyüm
I have blue eyes
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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The name of the Latin-script letter I.

Example: the position of an i-dot (the dot of an i)

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Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A wealthy or privileged person.

Definition: One who has some (contextually specified) thing.

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Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To possess, own.

Example: I have a house and a car.

Definition: To hold, as something at someone's disposal.

Example: Do you have the key? (not necessarily one's own key)

Definition: Used to state the existence or presence of someone in a specified relationship with the subject.

Example: I have a really mean boss.

Definition: To partake of (a particular substance, especially food or drink, or action or activity).

Example: Can I have a look at that?

Definition: To be scheduled to attend, undertake or participate in.

Example: Fred won't be able to come to the party; he has a meeting that day.

Definition: To experience, go through, undergo.

Example: He had surgery on his hip yesterday.

Definition: To be afflicted with, suffer from.

Example: He had a cold last week.

Definition: (auxiliary verb, taking a past participle) Used in forming the perfect aspect.

Example: I had already eaten.

Definition: Used as an interrogative verb before a pronoun to form a tag question, echoing a previous use of 'have' as an auxiliary verb or, in certain cases, main verb. (For further discussion, see the appendix English tag questions.)

Example: They haven't eaten dinner yet, have they?

Definition: (auxiliary verb, taking a to-infinitive) See have to.

Example: I have to go.

Definition: To give birth to.

Example: My mother had me when she was 25.

Definition: To engage in sexual intercourse with.

Example: He's always bragging about how many women he's had.

Definition: To accept as a romantic partner.

Example: Despite my protestations of love, she would not have me.

Definition: (transitive with bare infinitive) To cause to, by a command, request or invitation.

Example: They had me feed their dog while they were out of town.

Definition: (transitive with adjective or adjective-phrase complement) To cause to be.

Example: He had him arrested for trespassing.

Definition: (transitive with bare infinitive) To be affected by an occurrence. (Used in supplying a topic that is not a verb argument.)

Example: I've had three people today tell me my hair looks nice.

Definition: (transitive with adjective or adjective-phrase complement) To depict as being.

Example: Their stories differed; he said he'd been at work when the incident occurred, but her statement had him at home that entire evening.

Definition: To defeat in a fight; take.

Example: I could have him!

Definition: (obsolete outside Ireland) To be able to speak (a language).

Example: I have no German.

Definition: To feel or be (especially painfully) aware of.

Example: Dan certainly has arms today, probably from scraping paint off four columns the day before.

Definition: To trick, to deceive.

Example: You had me alright! I never would have thought that was just a joke.

Definition: (often with present participle) To allow; to tolerate.

Example: I asked my dad if I could go to the concert this Thursday, but he wouldn't have it since it's a school night.

Definition: (often used in the negative) To believe, buy, be taken in by.

Example: I made up an excuse as to why I was out so late, but my wife wasn't having any of it.

Definition: To host someone; to take in as a guest.

Example: Thank you for having me!

Definition: To get a reading, measurement, or result from an instrument or calculation.

Example: I have two contacts on my scope.

Definition: (of a jury) To consider a court proceeding that has been completed; to begin deliberations on a case.

Example: We'll schedule closing arguments for Thursday, and the jury will have the case by that afternoon.

Definition: To make an observation of (a bird species).

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Phonetic: "/bluː/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The colour of the clear sky or the deep sea, between green and violet in the visible spectrum, and one of the primary additive colours for transmitted light; the colour obtained by subtracting red and green from white light using magenta and cyan filters; or any colour resembling this.

Definition: A blue dye or pigment.

Definition: Any of several processes to protect metal against rust.

Definition: Blue clothing

Example: The boys in blue marched to the pipers.

Definition: (in the plural) A blue uniform. See blues.

Definition: A member of law enforcement

Definition: The sky, literally or figuratively.

Example: His request for leave came out of the blue.

Definition: The ocean; deep waters.

Definition: The far distance; a remote or distant place.

Definition: Anything blue, especially to distinguish it from similar objects differing only in color.

Definition: A dog or cat with a slaty gray coat.

Definition: One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of five points.

Definition: Any of the butterflies of the subfamily Polyommatinae in the family Lycaenidae, most of which have blue on their wings.

Definition: A bluefish.

Definition: An argument.

Definition: A liquid with an intense blue colour, added to a laundry wash to prevent yellowing of white clothes.

Definition: A type of firecracker.

Definition: A bluestocking.

Definition: One of the three color charges for quarks.

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Phonetic: "/bluː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To make or become blue.

Definition: To treat the surface of steel so that it is passivated chemically and becomes more resistant to rust.

Definition: (laundry) To brighten by treating with blue (laundry aid)

Definition: To spend (money) extravagantly; to blow.

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Phonetic: "/bluː/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Of the colour blue.

Example: the deep blue sea

Definition: Depressed, melancholic, sad.

Definition: Pale, without redness or glare; said of a flame.

Example: The candle burns blue.

Definition: Supportive of, run by (a member of), pertaining to, or dominated by a political party represented by the colour blue.

Definition: Of the higher-frequency region of the part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.

Definition: (of steak) Extra rare; left very raw and cold.

Definition: (of a dog or cat) Having a coat of fur of a slaty gray shade.

Definition: Severe or overly strict in morals; gloomy.

Example: blue and sour religionists;  blue laws

Definition: (of women) literary; bluestockinged.

Definition: Having a color charge of blue.

Definition: (entertainment) Risque or obscene

Example: His material is too blue for prime-time

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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An organ through which animals see (perceive surroundings via light).

Example: Bright lights really hurt my eyes.

Definition: The visual sense.

Example: The car was quite pleasing to the eye, but impractical.

Definition: The iris of the eye, being of a specified colour.

Example: Brown, blue, green, hazel eyes.

Definition: Attention, notice.

Example: That dress caught her eye.

Definition: The ability to notice what others might miss.

Example: He has an eye for talent.

Definition: A meaningful stare or look.

Example: She was giving him the eye at the bar.

Definition: A private eye: a privately hired detective or investigator.

Definition: A hole at the blunt end of a needle through which thread is passed.

Definition: The oval hole of an axehead through which the axehandle is fitted.

Definition: A fitting consisting of a loop of metal or other material, suitable for receiving a hook or the passage of a cord or line.

Definition: The relatively clear and calm center of a hurricane or other cyclonic storm.

Definition: A mark on an animal, such as a peacock or butterfly, resembling a human eye.

Definition: The dark spot on a black-eyed pea.

Definition: A reproductive bud in a potato.

Definition: The dark brown center of a black-eyed Susan flower.

Definition: A loop forming part of anything, or a hole through anything, to receive a rope, hook, pin, shaft, etc. — e.g. at the end of a tie bar in a bridge truss; through a crank; at the end of a rope; or through a millstone.

Definition: That which resembles the eye in relative importance or beauty.

Definition: Tinge; shade of colour.

Definition: One of the holes in certain kinds of cheese.

Definition: The circle in the centre of a volute.

Definition: The enclosed counter (negative space) of the small letter e.

Definition: (game of go) An empty point or group of points surrounded by one player's stones.

Definition: (usually plural) View or opinion.

Example: This victory will make us great in the eyes of the world.

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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To observe carefully or appraisingly.

Example: After eyeing the document for half an hour, she decided not to sign it.

Definition: To appear; to look.

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Phonetic: "/aɪz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A brood.

Example: an eye of pheasants

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