sivil savunma genel müdürlüğü

Kullanım örnekleri

sivil savunma genel müdürlüğü
general directorate of civil defence
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Phonetic: "/ˈd͡ʒɛnɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A general fact or proposition; a generality.

Example: We have dealt with the generals; now let us turn to the particulars.

Definition: The holder of a senior military title, originally designating the commander of an army and now a specific rank falling under field marshal (in the British army) and below general of the army or general of the air force in the US army and air forces.

Definition: A great strategist or tactician.

Example: Hannibal was one of the greatest generals of the ancient world.

Definition: The head of certain religious orders, especially Dominicans or Jesuits.

Definition: A commander of naval forces; an admiral.

Definition: A general servant; a maid with no specific duties.

Definition: A general anesthetic.

Definition: General anesthesia.

Definition: The general insurance industry.

Example: I work in general.

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Phonetic: "/ˈd͡ʒɛnɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To lead (soldiers) as a general.

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Phonetic: "/ˈd͡ʒɛnɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Including or involving every part or member of a given or implied entity, whole etc.; as opposed to specific or particular.

Definition: (sometimes postpositive) Applied to a person (as a postmodifier or a normal preceding adjective) to indicate supreme rank, in civil or military titles, and later in other terms; pre-eminent.

Definition: Prevalent or widespread among a given class or area; common, usual.

Definition: Not limited in use or application; applicable to the whole or every member of a class or category.

Definition: Giving or consisting of only the most important aspects of something, ignoring minor details; indefinite.

Definition: Not limited to a specific class; miscellaneous, concerned with all branches of a given subject or area.

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Phonetic: "/ˈd͡ʒɛnɹəl/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: In a general or collective manner or sense; in most cases; upon the whole.

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Phonetic: "/daɪˈɹɛktəɹət/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: An agency headed by a director, usually a subdivision of a major government department.

Definition: A body of directors.

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Phonetic: "/ɔv/"

Part Of Speech: preposition

Definition: Expressing distance or motion.

Definition: Expressing separation.

Definition: Expressing origin.

Definition: Expressing agency.

Definition: Expressing composition, substance.

Definition: Introducing subject matter.

Definition: Having partitive effect.

Definition: Expressing possession.

Definition: Forming the "objective genitive".

Definition: Expressing qualities or characteristics.

Definition: Expressing a point in time.

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Phonetic: "/ˈsɪv.əl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Having to do with people and government office as opposed to the military or religion.

Example: She went into civil service because she wanted to help the people.

Definition: Behaving in a reasonable or polite manner.

Example: It was very civil of him to stop the argument.

Definition: Relating to private relations among citizens, as opposed to criminal matters.

Example: a civil case

Definition: Secular.

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Phonetic: "/dɪˈfɛns/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The action of defending, of protecting from attack, danger or injury.

Definition: Something used to oppose attacks.

Definition: An argument in support or justification of something.

Definition: A strategy and tactics employed to prevent the other team from scoring; contrasted with offence.

Definition: The portion of a team dedicated to preventing the other team from scoring; contrasted with offence.

Definition: Government policy or (infra)structure related to the military.

Example: Department of Defence

Definition: Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance.

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Phonetic: "/dɪˈfɛns/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To furnish with defences; to fortify.

En İyi Tur-Eng Çevirmen

Tek bir tıklamayla kelimeleri çevirin! Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirmenimiz iki yönlü bir çeviri programıdır, anlamların ikamesi için kapsamlı bir sözlük içerir, kelime öbeklerinin ve ifadelerin kullanım örneklerini ve bunların fonetik bileşenlerini gösterir. Tercümanımız, çeviri alanındaki bilgi tabanını sürekli olarak güncelleyen ve son kullanıcı için tamamen anonim ve ücretsiz olarak korurken hizmet kalitesini koruyan profesyonel bir dilbilimci ekibi tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Çevirileriniz sadece size ait!

Çeviri yazılımımızı diğer makine çevirmenlerinden farklı kılmak için çok yol kat ettik. Türkçe - İngilizce çevirmenimiz orijinal metnin anlamını ve cümlenin ana fikrini asıl amaçlandığı gibi korumak için tasarlanmıştır. Çevirmenimiz olabildiğince insandır. Ürünümüz en iyi gizliliği sağlar. Verilerinizi izlemiyor, satmıyor veya saklamıyoruz. Çevirileriniz size aittir. Transferler için kayıt ve ödeme gerekli değildir!Belki tercümanlık mesleğinde ustalaşmak istersiniz? Sitemizle eğitiminiz hızlı ve kolay olacak! Çevirmenler çeviri yaparken çeşitli becerilere ve materyallere ihtiyaç duyarlar. Çevirmenlerin genel özellikleri çevrilecek olan erek dile ve kaynak dile çok iyi hakim olmak, okuduklarını ve duyduklarını iyi anlamak ve iyi bir hafızaya sahip olmaktır. Fonetik, gramer ve cümlelerdeki kelime örnekleriyle birlikte kapsamlı bir kelime, deyim ve ifade kitaplığına sahip çevirmenimiz ilk kez kullanışlı bir materyal olarak kullanılabilir.