tú por tu camino y yo por el mío

Kullanım örnekleri

tú por tu camino y yo por el mío
you go your way ill go mine
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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To address (a person) using the pronoun you (in the past, especially to use you rather than thou, when you was considered more formal).

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Phonetic: "/jʉː/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: (object pronoun) The people spoken, or written to, as an object.

Example: Both of you should get ready now.

Definition: (reflexive pronoun) (To) yourselves, (to) yourself.

Definition: (object pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as an object. (Replacing thee; originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (subject pronoun) The people spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Replacing ye.)

Example: You are all supposed to do as I tell you.

Definition: (subject pronoun) The person spoken to or written to, as a subject. (Originally as a mark of respect.)

Definition: (indefinite personal pronoun) Anyone, one; an unspecified individual or group of individuals (as subject or object).

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of going.

Definition: A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).

Example: It’s your go.

Definition: An attempt, a try.

Example: I’ll give it a go.

Definition: An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.

Example: We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.

Definition: An act; the working or operation.

Definition: A circumstance or occurrence; an incident, often unexpected.

Definition: The fashion or mode.

Example: quite the go

Definition: Noisy merriment.

Example: a high go

Definition: A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.

Definition: Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.

Example: There is no go in him.

Definition: The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.

Definition: A period of activity.

Example: ate it all in one go

Definition: (British slang) A dandy; a fashionable person.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move:

Definition: (chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).

Example: The engine just won't go anymore.

Definition: To start; to begin (an action or process).

Example: Get ready, get set, go!

Definition: To take a turn, especially in a game.

Example: It’s your turn; go.

Definition: To attend.

Example: I go to school at the schoolhouse.

Definition: To proceed:

Definition: To follow or travel along (a path):

Definition: To extend (from one point in time or space to another).

Example: This property goes all the way to the state line.

Definition: To lead (to a place); to give access to.

Example: Does this road go to Fort Smith?

Definition: To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)

Example: After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.

Definition: To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.

Definition: To continuously or habitually be in a state.

Example: I don't want my children to go hungry.

Definition: To come to (a certain condition or state).

Example: They went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock.

Definition: To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.

Example: The traffic light went straight from green to red.

Definition: To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).

Example: How did your meeting with Smith go?

Definition: To tend (toward a result).

Example: These experiences go to make us stronger.

Definition: To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.

Example: qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter

Definition: To pass, to be used up:

Definition: To die.

Definition: To be discarded.

Example: This chair has got to go.

Definition: To be lost or out:

Definition: To break down or apart:

Definition: To be sold.

Example: Everything must go.

Definition: To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.

Example: The award went to Steven Spielberg.

Definition: To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.

Example: Can you two go twenty minutes without arguing?!

Definition: To have a certain record.

Example: The team is going five in a row.

Definition: To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:

Definition: To say (something), to make a sound:

Definition: To be expressed or composed (a certain way).

Example: As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.

Definition: To resort (to).

Example: I'll go to court if I have to.

Definition: To apply or subject oneself to:

Definition: To fit (in a place, or together with something):

Definition: To date.

Example: He's been going with her for two weeks.

Definition: To attack:

Definition: To be in general; to be usually.

Example: As sentences go, this one is pretty boring.

Definition: To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.

Example: Let's go halves on this.

Definition: To yield or weigh.

Example: Those babies go five tons apiece.

Definition: To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.

Example: I'll go a ten-spot.

Definition: To enjoy. (Compare go for.)

Example: I could go a beer right about now.

Definition: To urinate or defecate.

Example: Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Working correctly and ready to commence operation; approved and able to be put into action.

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Phonetic: "/weɪ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (heading) To do with a place or places.

Definition: A method or manner of doing something; a mannerism.

Example: You're going about it the wrong way.  He's known for his quirky ways.  I don't like the way she looks at me.

Definition: A state or condition

Example: When I returned home, I found my house and belongings in a most terrible way.

Definition: (heading) Personal interaction.

Definition: A tradition within the modern pagan faith of Heathenry, dedication to a specific deity or craft, Way of wyrd, Way of runes, Way of Thor etc.

Example: To walk the Way of the Runes, you must experience the runes as they manifest both in the part of Midgard that lies outside yourself and the worlds within. (Diana Paxson)

Definition: Speed, progress, momentum.

Definition: A degree, an amount, a sense.

Example: In a large way, crocodiles and alligators are similar.

Definition: (As the head of an interjectory clause, followed by an infinitive starting with “to”) Acknowledges that a task has been done well, chiefly in expressions of sarcastic congratulation.

Example: Way to ruin the moment, guys.

Definition: The timbers of shipyard stocks that slope into the water and along which a ship or large boat is launched.

Definition: The longitudinal guiding surfaces on the bed of a planer, lathe, etc. along which a table or carriage moves.

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Phonetic: "/weɪ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To travel.

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Phonetic: "/weɪ/"

Part Of Speech: interjection

Definition: (only in reply to no way) yes; it is true; it is possible

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Phonetic: "/ɪl/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: (often pluralized) Trouble; distress; misfortune; adversity.

Example: Music won't solve all the world's ills, but it can make them easier to bear.

Definition: Harm or injury.

Example: I wouldn't want you to do me ill.

Definition: Evil; moral wrongfulness.

Definition: A physical ailment; an illness.

Example: I am incapacitated by rheumatism and other ills.

Definition: PCP, phencyclidine.

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Phonetic: "/ɪl/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Evil; wicked (of people).

Definition: Morally reprehensible (of behaviour etc.); blameworthy.

Definition: Indicative of unkind or malevolent intentions; harsh, cruel.

Example: He suffered from ill treatment.

Definition: Unpropitious, unkind, faulty, not up to reasonable standard.

Example: ill manners; ill will

Definition: Unwell in terms of health or physical condition; sick.

Example: I've been ill with the flu for the past few days.

Definition: Having an urge to vomit.

Example: Seeing those pictures made me ill.

Definition: (hip-hop slang) Sublime, with the connotation of being so in a singularly creative way.

Definition: Extremely bad (bad enough to make one ill). Generally used indirectly with to be.

Example: That band was ill.

Definition: Unwise; not a good idea.

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Phonetic: "/ɪl/"

Part Of Speech: adverb

Definition: Not well; imperfectly, badly; hardly.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The act of going.

Definition: A turn at something, or in something (e.g. a game).

Example: It’s your go.

Definition: An attempt, a try.

Example: I’ll give it a go.

Definition: An approval or permission to do something, or that which has been approved.

Example: We will begin as soon as the boss says it's a go.

Definition: An act; the working or operation.

Definition: A circumstance or occurrence; an incident, often unexpected.

Definition: The fashion or mode.

Example: quite the go

Definition: Noisy merriment.

Example: a high go

Definition: A glass of spirits; a quantity of spirits.

Definition: Power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance.

Example: There is no go in him.

Definition: The situation where a player cannot play a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.

Definition: A period of activity.

Example: ate it all in one go

Definition: (British slang) A dandy; a fashionable person.

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To move:

Definition: (chiefly of a machine) To work or function (properly); to move or perform (as required).

Example: The engine just won't go anymore.

Definition: To start; to begin (an action or process).

Example: Get ready, get set, go!

Definition: To take a turn, especially in a game.

Example: It’s your turn; go.

Definition: To attend.

Example: I go to school at the schoolhouse.

Definition: To proceed:

Definition: To follow or travel along (a path):

Definition: To extend (from one point in time or space to another).

Example: This property goes all the way to the state line.

Definition: To lead (to a place); to give access to.

Example: Does this road go to Fort Smith?

Definition: To become. (The adjective that follows usually describes a negative state.)

Example: After failing as a criminal, he decided to go straight.

Definition: To assume the obligation or function of; to be, to serve as.

Definition: To continuously or habitually be in a state.

Example: I don't want my children to go hungry.

Definition: To come to (a certain condition or state).

Example: They went into debt, she goes to sleep around 10 o'clock.

Definition: To change (from one value to another) in the meaning of wend.

Example: The traffic light went straight from green to red.

Definition: To turn out, to result; to come to (a certain result).

Example: How did your meeting with Smith go?

Definition: To tend (toward a result).

Example: These experiences go to make us stronger.

Definition: To contribute to a (specified) end product or result.

Example: qualities that go to make a lady / lip-reader / sharpshooter

Definition: To pass, to be used up:

Definition: To die.

Definition: To be discarded.

Example: This chair has got to go.

Definition: To be lost or out:

Definition: To break down or apart:

Definition: To be sold.

Example: Everything must go.

Definition: To be given, especially to be assigned or allotted.

Example: The award went to Steven Spielberg.

Definition: To survive or get by; to last or persist for a stated length of time.

Example: Can you two go twenty minutes without arguing?!

Definition: To have a certain record.

Example: The team is going five in a row.

Definition: To be authoritative, accepted, or valid:

Definition: To say (something), to make a sound:

Definition: To be expressed or composed (a certain way).

Example: As the story goes, he got the idea for the song while sitting in traffic.

Definition: To resort (to).

Example: I'll go to court if I have to.

Definition: To apply or subject oneself to:

Definition: To fit (in a place, or together with something):

Definition: To date.

Example: He's been going with her for two weeks.

Definition: To attack:

Definition: To be in general; to be usually.

Example: As sentences go, this one is pretty boring.

Definition: To take (a particular part or share); to participate in to the extent of.

Example: Let's go halves on this.

Definition: To yield or weigh.

Example: Those babies go five tons apiece.

Definition: To offer, bid or bet an amount; to pay.

Example: I'll go a ten-spot.

Definition: To enjoy. (Compare go for.)

Example: I could go a beer right about now.

Definition: To urinate or defecate.

Example: Have you managed to go today, Mrs. Miggins?

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Phonetic: "/ɡəʉ/"

Part Of Speech: adjective

Definition: Working correctly and ready to commence operation; approved and able to be put into action.

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Phonetic: "/maɪn/"

Part Of Speech: pronoun

Definition: My; belonging to me; that which belongs to me.

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İster eğitim, iş veya kişisel amaçlar için İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye veya Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevrilmiş metinlere ihtiyacınız olsun, online çeviri siteleri aklınıza gelen ilk çözüm olabilir. Tercümanımız kurumsal, akademik, yasal, tıbbi terimleri yetkin bir şekilde dikkate alır. Ayrıca çeviri aşamasında, aklınıza gelen metnin, ihtiyacınız olan terimler kullanılarak, bu alanda profesyonellerle çalışarak ihtiyacınız olan tarzda tercüme edildiğinden emin olabilirsiniz.

Hızlı bir İngilizce'den Türkçe'ye çeviriye ihtiyacınız olduğunda arkadaşlarınıza ve ajanslara başvurmayı bırakın. Kendinizi uygulamamızla donatın ve bunu kendiniz, daha hızlı ve daha doğru bir şekilde yapmak için devasa kitaplığımızdan yararlanın. Uygulamalarımız iPhone, iPad, Mac ve Apple Watch ile yerel olarak entegre olur. Ayrıca, sınıfının en iyisi Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera ve Edge uzantılarımızla favori tarayıcınızı özelleştirebilirsiniz. Facebook sayfamızı ziyaret edin ve sütunumuzu okuyun - yeni gönderilerimizden bazıları burada görünecek. Teşekkürler!Yukarıdaki giriş alanını kullanarak İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte bir Türkçe terim arayın. İngilizce veya Türkçe arama yapabilirsiniz. İngilizce veya Türkçe aradığınız cümlenin çok fazla çevirisi varsa filtreleme seçeneklerini kullanarak sonuçları sınırlandırabilirsiniz. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlükte harfe göre ara. İngilizce-Türkçe sözlük, alfabeyi manuel olarak görüntüleme olanağı sağlar. Belirli kelimelerin çevirilerine bakmak ve bir cümle bağlamında ne anlama geldiklerini görmek için aşağıdaki bağlantıları da kullanabilirsiniz.Tek bir tıklamayla kelimeleri çevirin! Türkçe'den İngilizce'ye çevirmenimiz iki yönlü bir çeviri programıdır, anlamların ikamesi için kapsamlı bir sözlük içerir, kelime öbeklerinin ve ifadelerin kullanım örneklerini ve bunların fonetik bileşenlerini gösterir. Tercümanımız, çeviri alanındaki bilgi tabanını sürekli olarak güncelleyen ve son kullanıcı için tamamen anonim ve ücretsiz olarak korurken hizmet kalitesini koruyan profesyonel bir dilbilimci ekibi tarafından oluşturulmuştur. Çevirileriniz sadece size ait!